Information, materials, organisations in the fight against
gender gap

This research-based website covers the four themes related to our project: health, education, economy and politics. GO TO THE WEB SITE

It monitors the Equality Act and provides guidance and information on discrimination due to gender, gender identity and gender expression, and promotion of equality. Annual report 2021 should be soon available also in English.


Declaration by the committee of Ministres on equal pay and equal opportunities for women and men in employment. MORE INFO

Here you can read the annual report of the European observatory on social and labour rights, with a specific focus on the period of the Covid pandemic. MORE INFO

Gender budgeting is a strategy and a process with the long-term aim of achieving gender equality goals.


High Level Conference on “Work-life balance as a leverage for women’s empowerment and promoting gender equality” on Tuesday, 12 April 2022, at Palazzo della Farnesina in Rome. MORE INFO

The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) has adopted 15 decisions (see links below) on state compliance with the right to equal pay, as well as the right to equal opportunities in the workplace, following complaints which were lodged within the framework of the collective complaints procedure by University Women Europe (UWE). MORE INFO

The European Women’s Lobby welcomes the recently adopted legislative proposal on pay transparency by the European Commission. READ MORE

to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms. READ THE DOCUMENT

Studies by the EU and international organisations have shown that gender equality and women’s employment contribute to promoting sustainable economic growth. MORE INFO

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The documentation and research office of Italian Chamer of Deputies presents this important collection on gender legislation and policies. Go to the document.

UIL, one of the largest Italian workers’ associations. It published this investigation into the Gender Pay Gap in 2018. MORE INFO

ISTAT, the Italian Institute of Statistics  has published this newsletter on the occasion of 8 March, Women’s Day, to assess the gender impact of the new Recovery and Resilience Facility Plan of the European Commission. MORE INFO

Legislative Proposal by Italian MP Gribaudo for equal pay and against gender discrimination in the workplace. Proposal text

Explanatory statement by Italian Democratic Party deputies on the first approval of the Gribaudo bill. MORE INFO

Employment equality
Economic inclusion and autonomy
Parity in leadership and gender balance
In local and regional authorities


Italian Chambers of Deputies report on Women’s in representetive positions. MORE INFO

The Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the European Parliament has drafted this note in order to provide a general overview of the Italian situation regarding gender equality in politics. MORE INFO

+Europa is a political party. They initiated this political training project to raise awareness of gender equality in politics. Workshop program.

Article by the Italian Association of Constitutionalists reviewing the stages of the historical path that led to legal equality between men and women and analysing the causes of the failure to achieve it in reality.. MORE INFO

La Convenzione di Istanbul è il trattato internazionale di più vasta portata creato per affrontare la violenza contro le donne e la violenza domestica. Stabilisce gli standard minimi per i governi in Europa nella prevenzione, protezione e condanna della violenza contro le donne e della violenza domestica

The new Strategy outlines the goals and priorities of the Council of Europe on gender equality for the years 2018-2023, identifying working methods and main partners, as well as the measures required to increase the visibility of results Anne Negre from UWE was in the writing committee. MORE INFO


Activities and measures at the national level contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023, Strasbourg 29 April 2021

The Drafting Committee on Migrant Women (GEC-MIG), a subordinate body to the Gender Equality Commission (GEC), was tasked by the Committee of Ministers to draft a Recommendation on migrant and refugee women.  Anne Nègre, president of UWE,  was in the writing committee. SEE MORE INFO

The balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making is a condition for justice and democracy.  Council of Europe standards provide clear guidance on how to achieve this essential goal. MORE INFO

Gender mainstreaming is an approach to policy-making that takes into account both women’s and men’s interests and concerns, aimed at designing better policies. MORE INFO

The European Social Charter is a Council of Europe treaty that guarantees fundamental social and economic rights as a counterpart to the European Convention on Human Rights, which refers to civil and political rights. MORE INFO

In fact the list of unknown women is incredibly long. Nonetheless there are are! In front lines! Each of her contributes to a fight that is vital today to all of us! MORE INFO

What about Gender Scan in Press. CLICK HERE

It commits, for a period of five years, all ministries with responsibility for educational policies as well as the ministry responsible for gender equality. It is based on five main areas of intervention:

Steering the equality policy as closely as possible to pupils and students;
Training for all staff;
The transmission of a culture of equality and mutual respect;
The fight against sexist and sexual violence and cyber-violence;
A policy of guidance in favour of greater gender diversity in courses of study and professions. CLICK TO READ THE DOCUMENT

Annual report of the French Ministry of Culture on gender equality in the media.


Promoting equality in the cultural sectors;
The fight against unequal representations in the media;
The fight against sexist and sexual violence.


OpenPolis, cultural foundation for research and sharing of data and information on the large gender gap still present in the Italian education system.. MORE INFO

European Commission note on the effects of gender stereotypes on school education outcomes . MORE INFO

Guidance from the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research on positive action in academia to promote gender equality

READ THE TEXTGuidance from the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research on positive action in academia to promote gender equality. READ THE TEXT

Italian association for sustainable development comments on Pisa (Programme for International Student Assessment) research data. MORE INFO

Incidents and evidence are increasingly reported showing that the policy of isolation and confinement leads to increased levels of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence – and therefore to a heightened need of protection against this. MORE INFO

The Council of Europe is playing a leading role in preventing and combating all forms of violence against women through ground-breaking standards and awareness-raising activities. SEE MORE INFO

Actions taken against violence against women and domestic violence. 10th anniversary of Istanbul Convention. SEE MORE INFO

Persisting inequalities between women and men, gender bias and stereotypes also result in unequal access of women and men to justice. MORE INFO

From the official journal of the Ministry of Health, Quaderni del Ministero della Salute (n. 26, april 2016), an article summarising the positive effects of gender medicine. Go to Article.

Maria Gabriella De Silvio coordinator of SIGO (Italian Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics) equal oportunity department, on developments in gender medicine. MORE INFO

Article from Sole24ore, Italy’s most prestigious economics and finance daily, summarising the demands of the Gender Equity in Health Summit. Go to the article.

The great cause of the five-year term
Violence within the couple
Sexism and sexual violence
Prostitution system
Female genital mutilation and forced marriages
Sexist and sexual violence at work and in higher education. SEE MORE

Page of the Ministry for Equal Opportunities on key information concerning access to the health care system with a specific focus on women. SEE MORE

For information on sexuality and sexual health

The official quotes about gender equality in education. MORE INFO

inGenere is a webzine on economic, social and political issues in a gender perspective.


DWF was published for the first time in 1975 by Annarita Buttafuoco, as a magazine of women’s studies. Anticipating the trend of gender studies in Italy, since its early years the magazine has been a vehicle for important voices of women authors, known and less known, Italian and foreign. MORE INFO

Founded by a self-managed editorial staff of women. Formalised in 1987, it promotes and represents itself in women’s autonomous politics, taking on board the Beijing Platform and worldwide campaigns for the defence of human rights and the environment. Attentive to what is happening in the world of women’s autonomous politics, it collaborates with newspapers working on the same issues, with schools and universities. ONLINE MAGAZINE

“La Camera Blu” publishes research and debate contributions that adopt gender as a central category of analysis, in a multidisciplinary perspective. 



LEGGERE DONNA, offers a concrete panorama of women’s cultural production: from literature to cinema, music, art and theatre. Sent as a tribute to its supporting members, in recent years it has often acted as an anticipation, suggesting topics for discussion, discovering new authors and re-proposing others, intuiting trends. GO TO THE WEBSITE

MAREA was born in Genoa as a forum for conveying news, ideas, interviews, materials and stories that arise from the work of those who believe that first of all it is necessary to mark the path with one’s own sexual identity.

The columns have been conceived in a ‘marine’ key to strengthen and highlight the magazine’s bond with the female element of water: Conchiglie (Shells) are book reviews, Orca (Orca) is the theme that is explored in depth each time with articles and interviews, Stelle Marine (Starfish) covers excellent biographies, Delfino (Dolphin) gives voice to male reflection, Faro (Lighthouse) offers news from the world, and Sabbia (Sand) are the stories with which the quarterly magazine closes.


In the Italian and European publishing panorama, ‘NOIDONNE’ represents an example of editorial continuity that since 1944 has been reporting – with high-level professional expressions and attention to the national and international cultural and political context – the activities, achievements, thoughts and movements of women. The gender perspective on reality, through its many facets, is the choice of field that has always marked a journalistic path written by women.


The journal “Genesis”, founded in 2002, intends to place the category of gender as central to the interpretation of history and at the same time able to contribute significantly to the understanding of current reality.


The association DonneInViaggio, founded in 2000, carries out its activities in the field of mass media, research and study for the protection of civil, political and religious rights, education, work and psycho-physical health of women. It offers the female world information and support through multimedia products and communication and training activities, in order to provide women with tools of knowledge and social utility to achieve their autonomy and personal and professional fulfilment. THE ONLINE MAGAZINE


Journalists who are convinced that daily information, despite its great changes, continues to be addressed to an apparently neutral, but in reality male, reader-user. This mechanism ends up producing a certain hierarchy (and selection) of news. An information landscape in broad terms dedicated to the reader and not to the female reader. The magazine bets on the possibility of this situation changing. THE ONLINE MAGAZINE


The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an autonomous body of the European Union, established to contribute to and strengthen the promotion of gender equality, including gender mainstreaming in all EU policies and the resulting national policies, and the fight against discrimination based on sex, as well as to raise EU citizens’ awareness of gender equality. WEBSITE

The high-level group on gender mainstreaming is an informal group comprising representatives responsible for gender mainstreaming at national level. It is chaired by the European Commission and holds regular meetings.

Graduate Women International (GWI) advocates for women’s rights, equality and empowerment through access to quality secondary and tertiary education, and training up to the highest levels. ORGANISATION WEBSITE

The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) is the largest umbrella network of women’s organisations in the European Union, gathering over 2000 women’s associations. The EWL has members in 26 EU Member States, 3 official-candidate countries, Iceland, United Kingdom as well as 17 European-wide member organisations. The EWL campaigns for a feminist Europe, promoting women’s rights and equality between women and men in the European Union. THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE

Network and Project to fight for equal participation of Women and Men in Sciences. SEE THE WEB SITE

Network of Associations working for the defence of migrant women’s rights. OFFICIAL WEBSITE


The MSAH plays a key role in promoting gender equality by preparing legislation, monitoring the situation of gender equality nationwide, coordinating the development of activities on gender equality and promoting the implementation of the objectives of the government’s equality policy WEBSITE.

The official website of the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers

The equal opportunities portal of the Directorate-General for Students, Integration and Participation of the Ministry of Education. Go to the portal

The Social Promotion Association “Genere Femminile” was set up in 2010 and pursues aims of solidarity and social inclusion in favour of women.
The Association’s priority is to spread a culture of equality and non-discrimination and to promote a non-stereotypical image of women and men.

YWN was founded as a network of young female graduates from Bocconi University in Milan with the aim of “sharing inspirations, visions and experiences through the constant organisation of events”. “The idea of founding this organisation came from observing similar initiatives in other countries where they play a fundamental role in networking and knowledge sharing. The group was established in September 2012 and since May 2014 the Social Promotion Association Young Women Network was founded. Since 2016, the Association has also opened a territorial office in Rome.

The Interuniversity Observatory on Gender, Equality and Equal Opportunity Studies was set up with the aim of contributing to a greater dissemination and communication of the initiatives undertaken in the various university and institutional contexts on studies and research on gender issues, equality and equal opportunities, cooperating with any initiative, also undertaken in the world of associations, aimed at raising awareness on equal opportunities, especially among the younger generations with whom it has a privileged relationship related to its educational function. Sapienza University of Rome, University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Rome  Tre are part of it.

AIDOS works for the rights, dignity and freedom of choice of women and girls around the world. A gender perspective for sustainable development.

Six universities of Milan united for gender cultures. On 26 November 2013, the first inter-university centre for the study and dissemination of gender cultures was set up. The centre aims to provide a permanent impetus for studies, research and positive action relating to the theme of gender cultures and thus contribute to the growth and dissemination of respect for the dignity and skills of women.

Blog of A.R.Pa., Associazione Raggiungimento Parità. It was founded in January 2001 thanks to the meeting of a group of women who, following their university studies in Anthropology, Law, Psychology and Peace Sciences, dedicated themselves to the in-depth study of gender issues and equal opportunities policies, with an intense research activity and the development of the network among the different public and private social actors of the territory. 

Casa Internazionale delle Donne is a place where women’s initiatives in the cultural, artistic, social, economic and political spheres come together and are developed.

The International House of Women proposes itself at the same time as an archive and memory of the struggles and initiatives of the past and as a thought and conception of the protagonism of women in the future.

 The Main aim of the Donne e Scienza (Women and Science) association is to promote the entry and career of women in scientific research and to change its institutions on the basis of a critical analysis of contmporary sciences.

Responsible for developing and implementing the government’s policy on gender equality, parity, combating violence against women, combating discrimination and combating hatred towards LGBT+ people, the delegated ministry’s remit has been extended to include the development and implementation of policy on equal opportunities and diversity. WEBSITE

Femmes solidaires is committed to reducing all forms of discrimination and developing non-sexist and non-violent education. OFFICIAL WEBSITE